Así soy

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Checking out my chimp armSo I am thinking that perhaps Paul is not sure what the heck to do with me since the only thing I do well doesn't appear to involve any sort of strength.  And the exercises that do involve strength jack up my shoulder (which incidentally while not having achieved Meerkat status, is fast approaching the chimpanzee level.) 
The areas that need to be tight are flexible and the areas that need to be flexible are fiercely tight.  Could I possibly be from a Mirror dimension like the Star Trek episode with Evil Captain Kirk?
You aren't very persistent, Mr. Sulu. The game has rules. You're ignoring them. I protest, and you come back. You didn't come back.
You aren't very persistent, Mr. Sulu. The game has rules. You're ignoring them. I protest, and you come back. You didn't come back.
At any rate, today involved T-Rex stretch, Velociraptor stretch, squats & an attempt at a weighted squat made awkward b/c I closed my eyes.

Another trainer (I'll call him "Jesse") helped out early on by gripping lots of individual muscles in my shoulder and trying to unlock them from each other.  It was probably like trying to separate Siamese octuplets.

I am a sled dog Today I learned that the wheels I drag across the parking lot are a machine called "the Sled."  The Egyptian slave fantasy is gone. 

I am now an Alaskan Malamute.

Next up: Kelly vs. the Shoulder

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