Así soy

Monday, September 20, 2010

Life in the Beta Lane

Although it may seem that I spend all of my time working with Paul, and making field trips to see Kelly, I actually have an all day real job teaching an overload of classes, and a night job teaching dance classes, and another day job doing web work, and a periodic job of educational technology presentations & training, and a periodic job of dance performances.

Sometimes I eat food, and I occasionally sleep.

Although, when I'm eating, I'm probably grading, writing tests, creating activities while at the same time catching up on culturally fascinating (DVRed) TV shows with a fork in one hand and the remote and a pen in the other.

And when I sleep, I'm still sort of working: I've gotten pretty good at lucid dreaming and when stuck in sleep paralysis, I'll kill time by choreographing or just thinking up stuff.

I've realized since moving to CA that there are so many resources here and that people move at such hysterical speeds, that I've become a P&J sandwich with way too much bread and not enough peanut butter.

So when I got invited to speak at two conferences on the East Coast, I thought, "I need to get back to my 'hey y'all' roots.  I will go a couple of days in advance, relax a little, and give myself time to organize my ideas and equipment."  This would be new and a nice break for me since I generally overbook myself to the point that I am performing on the fly.  Plus, the hotel has a pool:  I would love to go swimming!  I have that totally uber-cute swimsuit....

But my brain started storming ideas to fill what it saw as "available time."

Brain: Hey, Naiya, you know your friend Patty? Her university is only three hours away.  You could add a little side trip to see her.

Me: Wow!  That is a good idea.  I'll do that.

Brain: You know your friend the author and program coordinator at the conference university will be at your workshop.  You should schedule some time to catch up with her.

Me: Wow!  That is a good idea.  I'll do that.

Brain: You should see if your mentor has some time available too - she will be in the area.

Me: Wow!  That is a good idea.  I'll do that.

Brain:  If you take all the exams with you, you can grade them on the plane instead of waiting until you get home.

Me: Wow!  That is a good idea.  I'll do that.  I had planned to sleep on the red-eye since I have to drive three hours to visit Patty's school after I land, but I guess I could just drink two venti lattees...

Brain:  If you put a copy of the web materials on your laptop, you could continue updating the site from your hotel room.

Me: Wow!  That is a good idea.  I'll do that.

Brain: You should check out the belly dance scene there!

Me: Wow!  That is a good idea.  I'll do that!

Stomach: Hey, and don't forget to find a real East Coast barbecue place!

Me: Wow!  That is a good idea.  I'll do that.

I heard a heavy sad sigh from across the room.  It was my swimsuit, tucked in my suitcase.  My swimsuit that I have taken to conferences and many out-of-state show performances over the past couple of years, looking forward to time in the hotel swimming pool.

My cute swimsuit with the price tags still on it.

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