Así soy

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Field Trip in which I don't see Angel but find Kwai Chang Caine

So I'm back in SF, bright and early.  I'm totally thrilled with the range of motion I have garnered by hanging from trees and other available monkey bars and can't wait to show Kelly.

I demonstrate my progress and bubble enthusiastically about the stuff I can do.  I marvel, "And, dude, as my shoulder gets looser, amazingly the rest of me is stronger and more flexible.  I can do more now with my hips and my back and...."

I notice the corner of Kelly's mouth twitching and I look up at his eyes - sure enough, he's trying not to laugh.

Master Po (Kelly) gives me a beatific smile, basically saying, yes, young grasshopper, you begin to see the light of the whole body gestalt.  The universe and your very own self are tightly interconnected which incidentally is why we don't make the Pain Face.

Oh well.  Early morning enlightenment comes slowly to me in the wee coffee-less hours.


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